o Food and Water, With a Twist! A Lemon Twist That Is!
Why is eating fruits and vegetables so important to good health?
More than 150 studies have shown that people who eat five or
more servings have a significantly reduced risk of developing cancer than
those who consumed fewer than two servings a day.
-- National Cancer Institute And Centers For Disease Control
It's not unusual for people to believe they are eating and supplementing
correctly, and still not feel as great as they could. Read on,
for simple strategies, healthful choices and an inspiring 7-Day Visual
Diet Challenge!
Our bodies are similar to the waters of the ocean and the minerals
of the earth. Once out of balance, it's important to reclaim your internal
Did you know that our body derives most of its nutrition from natural,
unprocessed, organic foods, and that the most bio-available supplements
are formulated or derived from vegetables, grasses, sprouts, leaves,
herbs and the earth's elemental minerals? Good water, healthy nutrients
and clean oxygen are all important elements for a balanced body.
The average adult is about 70% water. Newborn babies are born
with as much as 90% water, yet some elderly and infirm are as low as
50% water. A body without sufficient clean water can dehydrate and
begin to ferment or be too acidic. Many people suffer from dehydration
and overly acidic conditions such as acid reflux, weight gain, stiff
or sore muscles, joints, ligaments, digestive or elimination issues, skin
problems - and the list goes on.
We all recognize that over the years our natural environment and
food chain have been compromised. Is it any wonder our internal environment
has also been compromised? Could this be why our ancestors
didn't experience the same levels of chronic illness, or why cancer
and diabetes were rare? We hear about ADD, ADHD, diabetes, arthritis,
heart disease and other chronic or acute conditions on a daily basis,
and they're not limited to adults. It's important to ask ourselves if
we think our genetic weaknesses would be as apparent were we all
focused on cleaning up the environment - our internal environment!
Consider your blood environment your river of life - do you think,
based on what you eat and drink, that yours looks like a river in beautiful
pristine mountains, or like a river you might find in a much less
pristine environment?
Since our blood is mostly water and functions as
a two way street - one way carrying nutrients into the body, the other
moving waste out of the body - you can see why the integrity of the
body's fluids and blood (environment) is critical to our well-being.
Years ago, our water was pure and carried all the trace minerals of
the earth into our body, balancing our minerals and internal terrain.
We ate vegetables high in nutrients, laden with soil-based organisms,
critical to our infrastructure of good bacteria (our immune system).
The air was clean, with high oxygen. Our animals ate grasses and seed,
clean of chemicals and hormones. Our oceans and rivers were clean
and healthy.
Today we supplement our diets with vitamins and minerals. In addition,
reviewing some simple strategies and healthful choices may
be helpful.
While it is true there are supplements that will help you get back in balance,
taking the 7-Day Visual Diet Challenge is inexpensive and simple to do:
o Eat mostly green vegetables, raw tomatoes, sprouted grains, and
raw nuts.
o Use good oils in your salad, with stir-fried and lightly
steamed veggies.
o Drink pure water with lots of fresh lemon or lime juice and add a good
Stevia to make lemon or limeade (Lemon & Lime not recommended
with acid reflux).
o Reduce intake of white and processed foods, and red meat.
At the end of each day make sure you've had at least one quart of water
for every 50 pounds of body weight and that you've eaten 70-80% green
vegetables, raw tomatoes, avocado, and sprouted grain.
o Change Your Inner Environment
And Reclaim Your Body!
healthy living
Simple Strategies
1. Water should be pure either through filtration or reverse osmosis,
minimally a quart a day for every 50 pounds of body
weight. Water is the best way to carry supplements.
2. Vegetables (organic when possible) slightly cooked, steamed,
stir fried, raw or pureed are the most important part of our diet.
Learn the values of each vegetable.
3. Good Oils (organic when possible) should be virgin, extra virgin
and cold pressed. Some oils will maintain their integrity
with heat, others will not. We all need Omega 3, 6 & 9 oils.
4. Cold water and wild fish stand the best chance of having the
fewest bad microorganisms and the highest amount of good oils
and nutrients.
5. Meat and Chicken without hormones, antibiotics and chemicals
are more compatible with a clean inner terrain.
6. Breads, tortillas, and cereals are easily found with sprouted grains
(more easily digested) and there are many without yeast!
Healthful Choices
1. Fresh lemons or lime juice daily
o Add to your water
o Add to good oils making delicious salad or veggie dressing
o Add to herbal teas
o Add to fish, pasta, or rice dishes
2. Stevia - A Minimum 80% Rebaudioside quality (literally a
trade out for sugar without chemicals, and with high quality
and no aftertaste)
o Use in place of sugar
o With lemons or limes, making delicious lemonade or limeade
o With lemons, limes and blueberries, make frozen popsicles
o With carob or raw chocolate, raw almonds or coconut, make
healthful candy
3. Good Oils are all cold pressed and virgin
o Avocado Oil is delicious and has a 574-degree heat point;
massage therapists also use it
o Coconut Oil carries many nutrients, and again, good internally
and externally
o Sesame, Flax and Olive Oils are good no or low heat oils
4. Vegetables are best lightly cooked or raw - and did you know
o Broccoli is 49% protein
o Sprouts are the most nutritious food
o Artichoke is healthy for the liver
o Asparagus is healthy for the kidneys
-- Maraline Krey
Maraline is CEO of BioGro Products, and owner of pHBodyBalance.com and YourNatureStore.com, is a Nutritional Product Specialist, pH Workshop Counselor, and Nat’l. Dir. of Innerlight Inc. You can reach her at 859 336 3246 or via email at maraline@pHBodyBalance.com
Maraline Krey, Sr. National Director, Innerlight Inc. "Home of SuperGreens", CEO BioGro Products, which owns and operates http://www.pHBodyBalance.com and http://www.YourNatureStore.com In additon, Maraline is a Nutritional Products Specialist, pH Body Balance Coach, Guesst Speaker at a variety of events as well asguest speaking on live radio and web radio, and is working on her first book. You can hear most recent pH balancing discussion on Web Radio at http://www.pHBodyBalance.com
Maraline's core belief is that pHBodyBalance should be easy and doable for every person and every family. Maraline utilizes the science and provides us the practical application to achieving pH Body Balance; offering many small changes that can help us move from being sick and tired, suffering chronic symptoms, and aches and pains and move us into being energized and alkalized through pH body balance techniques that are simple, fun and practical for our lifestyles today.